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150th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Homecoming

Massachusetts General Hospital School of Nursing 1873 – 1981
Anniversary Class Celebrations ~ 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978
Close to 200 MGH NAA members and guests gathered for a festive and moving 150th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Homecoming. Highlights included:
Seminar Day ~ Institute for Health Professions (IHP) in Charlestown, MA
Greetings by IHP leadership, and presentations on current IHP programs, the future of nursing, and the future of nursing education. Tours were also offered of the Ruth Sleeper Nursing Center for Clinical Education and Wellness, and the IHP’s Simulation Lab.

Seminar Day speakers (l to r): MGHIHP SON Dean Dr. Ken White, MGHIHP President Dr. Paula Milone-Nuzzo, NAA President Ann Quealy, 150th Anniversary Chair Barbara Dunderdale, and MGHIHP Director of Faculty Development Elaine Tagliareni.
President’s Anniversary Reception ~ Ruth Sleeper Suite, Bulfinch II and Tea Leaves Café in Wang Building
We celebrated the dedication of the Ruth Sleeper Suite, an enduring tribute to this icon of the nursing profession.

Alumni gather in the Ruth Sleeper Suite during the Friday President’s Reception
150th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Homecoming ~ Institute for Health Professions (IHP)
Guest Speaker Karen Wolf’s presentation “Voices from the Past with Visions for the Future” inspired us as we celebrated this 150th milestone. Anniversary Classes were feted, members had time to connect and catch up, and we premiered our 150th Anniversary Video.

A packed house for the anniversary festivities.
History of the MGHSON Video
The MGH NAA commissioned a very special 30-minute video that captures the proud history of the School of Nursing. Led by NAA Board member Ann Collins, an active committee of more than a dozen worked for over a year to assemble materials that were then expertly integrated into this master work by veteran videographer J. Dolan Barry. Click here to view.
150th Anniversary Slide Show
The compilation of historical images showed continuously throughout our celebration. With thanks to Susan Fisher for her work assembling this material. Click here to view.
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