Alumni Association Membership
MGH NAA membership enables you to stay in touch with classmates via our publications, attend Homecoming and other events (including virtual events), vote, hold office and serve on committees, and help support the mission of the Association.

MGH NAA Members are part of a proud community of some 8,000 nurses who received exceptional training at the MGH School of Nursing
Graduates of the Massachusetts General Hospital School of Nursing, and graduates of the Institute of Health Professions School of Nursing, in good standing, are eligible for membership in this Association.
Membership Categories
Active Members: All members who pay annual dues of $30.
Complimentary Life Members: Alumni members who complete 60 years of active membership.
MGH NAA Membership Application can be downloaded here.
Dues are $30 per year, payable by March 1st. For current members, you can pay your dues online, which is fast, free and secure. Pay either via PayPal or Debit/Credit Card.
Or send a check, with "Dues Payment" in the memo line, payable to the MGH Nurses' Alumni Association to:
MGH Nurses' Alumni Association, Inc.
PO BOX 6234
Boston, MA 02114
The MGHNAA is a completely volunteer-run association, with alumni contributing countless hours to serve the membership. We ask for your generous, loyal support so that we may continue our important work, including:
Awarding five scholarships to current MGH IHP nursing students each year
Funding nursing research grants
Supporting the Ruth Sleeper Wellness Center’s community service work
Subsidizing annual Homecoming events
Producing three publications per year (two issues of Beyond the Cap and an annual Record)
Please consider a gift in any amount today.
​​Donate via PayPal, Debit or Credit Card. (Add any special instructions in the 'Notes' Section, such as if you want to make your gift anonymous.)
​Donate via check:
Send your check, with "Donation" on the memo line, payable to MGH Nurses' Alumni Association to the following address. If you would like your gift to remain anonymous please indicate that.
MGH Nuses' Alumni Association, Inc.
PO BOX 6234
Boston, MA 02114
Donate through Estate Planning:
Contributions made through Estate Planning are also welcome. Please contact the MGH NAA office for details and additional information. ( or 617-726-3144).
The wording of a bequest in your will can be as simple as the following:
“I bequeath (the sum of $________) or (_______%) of the residue of my estate to the MGHNAA 36 1st Street, Boston, MA 02129. Tax ID #042-121-358.”
The MGHNAA is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, tax ID 042-121-358. Donations are tax deductible based on the limits of the tax codes.