Class Agents
Class Agents serve as the liaison between the Association and the members of their class. They are an essential communication link that enables the Association to better serve its members and for members to realize the benefits of being a part of this community.
Primary Class Agent duties include the following:
Class News and Obituaries
Class News items are published annually in The Record, and should be submitted by February 15 each year. Obituaries can be sent throughout the year.
Beyond the Cap
To submit any stories for the spring and fall issues of Beyond the Cap, please be in touch with Jo-Ann Quigley.
Maintaining Membership Records
If Class Agents are aware of any changes to this information (including name, email, mailing address) please forward the information to the NAA Office.
Keeping Classmates Apprised of NAA Activities
The NAA will periodically send information to Class Agents suitable for forwarding to their classmates.

For a list of Class Agents and their contact information, please click here.